Thursday, September 22, 2011

What have I gotten myself into?

CrossFit HSV

A really long time ago, I decided to join CrossFit.  I had a million reasons why joining never worked out... until now.  So, I joined CrossFit Huntsville's September 101 Course, and I've been asked to journal about it.

I'll start with Class One:
     I'm typically a really outgoing person.  I tell people I make friends in elevators because I have no problem meeting new people or talking to people I don't know.  Day One of this experience and I accidentally got there early and sat in my car with my hands shaking because I was so intimidated; SO not me.  I'd been through a CrossFit Class with some good friends, but that had been in Mobile, and from what I'd heard about CFH, they were seriously hardcore.  I wasn't wrong about them being hardcore, but I underestimated myself.  Turns out I can actually do the squats we learned on the first day. :)  It's good to know I can get a "Great job, Katherine!" on a squat with a PVC pipe.  I'll give it to that pipe though, my legs were a tad sore after I was finished with it.
     My first upper body workout with my former trainer, Nate, ended with my being unable to straighten my arms for several days after.  I wasn't all that surprised when the tendons were so inflamed after this first WOD (Workout of the Day) I was back to not being able to straighten my arms.  7 minute AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible) 7 Air Squats, 7 Ring Rows, 7 Sit Ups.  Let's just say I'd rather do sit ups all day.

Class Two:
     Unfortunately, I missed the real "second class" because I was out of town, but it consisted of all the presses.  Holding that bar under my chin like that is going to take some getting used to, but I get it.  I'm really lucky to have a brother that has been lifting for as long as I can remember.  I clearly picked up some things along the way.

Class Three:
     I also had to make up class three since I was out of town.  This class was mostly dead lifts.  Again with the PVC Pipe... at first.  The three girls in the make up class attempted to use the 15lb bars.  That didn't last.  Tracey made the guys and the girls use the 35lb bars.  Yay.  Let me preface this next part by saying I'm pretty strong, but this class was really hard for me because I was so sick.  Just the bar and I was sweating.  Anyway, Tracey had us add 10lbs to each side of the bar and then after a few reps of that we added 35lbs to each side of the bar.  Again, it was a little hard to walk for the next couple days.

Class Four:
     Was all about nutrition.  My first thought before Jake even started speaking was "I wonder if they push Paleo here."  After telling everyone that food categories break down into Protein, Fat and Carbs (and expressing his love for oreos), he told us how cutting any of the three groups from your diet is a bad idea. A diet which I'd like to note to everyone is everything you put in your mouth.. not just something you eat for a few days or weeks.. it's what you eat every day for your entire life.  Anyway, half way through the conversation we learned CrossFit Huntsville is starting a 30 day Paleo Challenge on October 1st.  We all have to have our body fat analysis done prior.  I've thought about starting this challenge before, and when my work kept feeding me for free, my motivation went out the window.  I have a hard time saying no to pizza.  I'm going to do it this time.  Really. :)

Class Five:
     In this class someone asked how long it'd take for us to not suck.  The response was, "I still suck.  You get better at things and then you start trying to achieve a whole new level of suck."  I already knew it, but it's so true.  We revisited the grammar school toy, the jump rope, and learned the double under... I can't do double unders, but I can consistently jump rope for several minutes.  I've never used a fast wire rope, but I liked it and will probably be investing in one.  Kettle bell swings I can do, no biggie there.  They recommend women start with the 12s, but we started light to learn, so I hung out with an 8 for the night even though it was too light.  We also spent our first moments on the pull up bar in this class.  I was excited just to get on the thing by jumping, but I soon realized I could do the kipping part of the kip swing.. I just couldn't get the hop over the bar.  My grip isn't strong enough yet and I need to work on my timing.  I'll get it eventually.  The WOD was 10 minutes AMRAP 14 Double Unders (or 28 Single Unders), 7 American Kettle Bell Swings, 7 Pull Ups (or 7 Ring Rows).  I'm going to go ahead and say I'll be sore tomorrow.

Class Six:
     I have to make up when I get back from the Alabama v. Arkansas game.

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